Organ Quizzes

Find out how much you’ve learned through our resources by taking our short quizzes! It covers all the organ systems, selects the one you like the most, and get started.

Integumentary System

1 / 15

What are some functions of skin? 

2 / 15

What can subcutaneous tissue produce? 

3 / 15

Sweat gland can help you regulate body temperature.

4 / 15

Subcutaneous tissue is not the deepest layer of the skin.

5 / 15

What are functions for the hair you found on the head? 

6 / 15

Skin is not an organ.

7 / 15

The fatty substances that sebaceous glands produce is called sebum.

8 / 15

What are the functions of nails? 

9 / 15

Where can you find the hair? 

10 / 15

Which of the following is the function of the eyelashes? 

11 / 15

Which of the following is not secreted by sweat glands? 

12 / 15

Skin is the largest organ in human body.

13 / 15

Which is the function of sebaceous glands? 

14 / 15

Which of the following substance made up subcutaneous tissue? 

15 / 15

Integumentary system is consisting of what of the following? 

Your score is


Respiratory System

1 / 17

The Thorat helps forming the speech .

2 / 17

The voice box is a cylindrical grouping of cartilages, muscles and soft tissue that contains the vocal cords. 

3 / 17

What is the purpose of nose hair? 

4 / 17

Windpipe transports air to and from the lungs when a person breathes.

5 / 17

The airway muscle can relax or contract, thus changing airway size. 

6 / 17

What object you can refer large airway to?

7 / 17

The Lung will expand when you inhale, and shrink when exhale. 

8 / 17

Trachea helps defend against disease. The mucus in the trachea helps capture microorganisms such as viruses and harmful bacteria before they enter the lungs. 

9 / 17

What is the diameter of small airway? 

10 / 17

Which component of the mouth we use to bite down the food? 

11 / 17

What is the function of the lungs? 

12 / 17

A person can’t breathe with a trachea. 

13 / 17

When a person inhale, the air travels through the nose or mouth, down the trachea, and into the lungs. 

14 / 17

Eating and speaking is the two main functions of the mouth. 

15 / 17

The throat is located behind the nose and mouth and connects the mouth and nose to the breathing passages and the esophagus. 

16 / 17

The trachea also helps regulate the temperature of the air coming in and out of the lungs. 

17 / 17

What is the function of the nose? 

Your score is


Cardiovascular System

1 / 4

Which part help deliver blood around the body to provide the body with the oxygen and nutrients? 

2 / 4

Which part(s) below is in the mixture of blood? 

3 / 4

The purpose of blood includes transporting oxygen, nutrients, water, waste products, forming blood clots, and carrying cells and antibodies.

4 / 4

What is the main purpose of blood vessels? 

Your score is


Reproductive System

1 / 13

Male reproductive body system includes penis, scrotum, testes, epididymis, vas deferens, prostate, urethra, and seminal vesicles

2 / 13

The prostate and the seminal vesicles produce fluid that nourishes the sperm. 

3 / 13

What is the function for the ovary?

4 / 13

Which parts are in the female body? 

5 / 13

The main purpose of the uterus is to nourish the fertilized egg into a healthy developing fetus prior to birth. 

6 / 13

Epididymis provides the environment for sperm to mature, energy for the sperm to growth, nutrient to accelerate the growth of the sperm

7 / 13

The cervix acts as the door to the uterus which sperm can travel through to fertilize eggs.

8 / 13

Urethra transports urine from the bladder and is the part of the reproductive system through which semen is ejaculated

9 / 13

The vas deferens is a firm tube that transports sperm from the epididymis in men’s bodies.  

10 / 13

The main function of the testes is to produce testosterone and sperm

11 / 13

What is the main purpose of the genital/reproductive system? 

12 / 13

Scrotum acts as a climate-control system for the testes because they need to be slightly cooler than body temperature for normal sperm development. 

13 / 13

Vagina providing a passageway for childbirth and receiving the penis and sperm during intercourse. 

Your score is


Skeletal System

1 / 13

A tendon is a fibrous connective tissue that joins muscles and bones together.

2 / 13

Which of the following best describes the function of joint? 

3 / 13

Joints are the location where two or more bones meet. 

4 / 13

Tendons can be found in different size and shape depending on the muscle and bones they connect. 

5 / 13

The skeletal system is consists bones, ligaments, tendon, joint 

6 / 13

Bones helps hold up your body, so you can move, walk, wave, and do many more actions. 

7 / 13

A human adult contains a total of 206 bones in their body 

8 / 13

Ligaments are a fibrous connective tissue that attaches bones to each other. 

9 / 13

Which of the following is not a type of joint? 

10 / 13

Which of the following best describes the function of the tendon? 

11 / 13

Ligament can be found in different size and shape depending on the region it belongs to. 

12 / 13

Ligament just like a rope that hold the bones of the bone together, keeping them in their correct position.

13 / 13

Which of the following is considered as a joint? 

Your score is


Digestive System

1 / 12

The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

2 / 12

Large intestine is much broader than the small intestine. 

3 / 12

The throat is a circular muscular tube that acts as the passageway for air, food and liquid. 

4 / 12

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped, hollow structure located under the liver and on the right side of the abdomen. 

5 / 12

The liver filter healthy substance from blood.

6 / 12

The esophagus is a muscular tube connecting the throat (pharynx) with the stomach. 

7 / 12

Which of following are the function of liver?  

8 / 12

What is the approximate length of small intestine?

9 / 12

The pharynx is located behind the nose and mouth and connects the mouth and nose to the breathing passages and the esophagus. 

10 / 12

What is the approximate length of the esophagus?  

11 / 12

One purpose of the large intestine is to absorb water and salt from the material that has not been digested as food.

12 / 12

Which of following is the function(s) of gallbladder? 

Your score is


Nervous System

1 / 6

Peripheral Nervous System includes which of the following: 

2 / 6

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerve cells and fibers wrapped together extending down from the brain stem to the lower back. 

3 / 6

Nerves connect the brain, the spinal cord and the rest of the body. 

4 / 6

There are 6 types of sensory organs. 

5 / 6

The central Nervous System includes which of the following: 

6 / 6

Which one is considered the supercomputer of the body? 

Your score is


Endocrine System

1 / 12

The hypothalamus is located at the base of the brain, where the optic nerves behind each eye cross and meet. 

2 / 12

Ovary produces testosterone and sperm. 

3 / 12

Testes are located in a pouch outside the male body to produce testosterone and sperm. 

4 / 12

Which part contains the egg cells and produce estrogen and progesterone? 

5 / 12

Which one below is responsible for body’s metabolism? 

6 / 12

Pituitary gland controls many functions of the other endocrine glands. 

7 / 12

Adrenal Gland makes and releases corticosteroid hormones and epinephrine that maintain blood pressure and regulate metabolism. 

8 / 12

Adrenal Gland makes and releases corticosteroid hormones and epinephrine that maintain blood pressure and regulate metabolism. 

9 / 12

The purpose of the hypothalamus is to secrete hormones to control waer balance, sleep, temperature, appetite, and blood pressure.

10 / 12

Which one produces white blood cells? 

11 / 12

Which part produces the hormone melatonin, which helps the body know when it is time to sleep? 

12 / 12

Thyroid gland helps in regulating the body’s calcium balance. 

Your score is


Muscular System

1 / 6

Cardiac muscle tissue works to keep your heart pumping through involuntary movements. 

2 / 6

There muscles made up about half of the human weight. 

3 / 6

Your stomach is made of smooth muscle so that it can digest what you eat and slowly push it through your digestive system.

4 / 6

Each skeletal muscle is an organ that consists of various integrated tissues. 

5 / 6

The primary function of smooth muscles are slow, involuntary contractions.

6 / 6

The skeletal muscle produces heat and energy for the body, also Attached to bones to provide movement and posture.

Your score is


Urinary System

1 / 5

The main purpose of the ureters is to carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

2 / 5

The urinary system is responsible for maintaining the volume and concentration of blood by getting rid of waste and extra water of the body. 

3 / 5

What do kidneys filter from blood? 

4 / 5

Which part of the body allow(s) urine to pass outside the body? 

5 / 5

Which part of the body is responsible for expanding to store urine and flattening to empty it? 

Your score is


Lymphatic System

1 / 12

They are located in the back of your throat. 

2 / 12

Bone marrow is a sponge-like tissue found inside the bones.

3 / 12

Mucous membranes can secrete mucous and protect the body from harmful external agents.

4 / 12

Bone marrow contains stem cell, which used to make red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

5 / 12

Tonsils looks like two round lumps of tissue you see when you open your mouth wide. 

6 / 12

The mucous membranes are thin and soft tissue that lines the cavities of the body which are contiguous with the skin and exposed to the external environment. 

7 / 12

Which of the following does thymus produce? 

8 / 12

Thymus located behind the breastbone above the heart Lymph nodes.

9 / 12

What is the main function of red bone marrow? 

10 / 12

Tonsils helps you to trap pathogens that enter your mouth or nose.

11 / 12

Spleen acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system, and also fights certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

12 / 12

What is the main function of yellow bone marrow? 

Your score is
