Physical postures

Physical postures:

Physical postures play an essential role in yoga. It could be separated into different categories, such as postures for back pain or postures for anxiety. Each category has many poses, and should be replaced with another every few minutes

  1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  2. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose )
  3. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend )
  4. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing Dog Pose)
  5. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose )

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  1. Choose the basic poses at the beginning.  
  2. Choose the right poses under specific condition.
  3. Each pose should be held for a minimum of one inhale and exhale.
  1. Relieves anxiety and stress.
  2. Improves Strength, Balance and Flexibility.
  3. Helps with back pain relief.
  4. Helps sleep better.

*This site content is provided for informational purposes only and does not intend to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have medical questions and/or concerns, please contact a medical professional.