Paper Sculpture Oyster Lesson Plan

Title/Description: Paper Sculpture Oyster Project

Level: Elementary School

Duration: 1, 45 minute class period

Historical Overview: Andy Goldsworthy, Environmental Artist from the U.K.

Goals and Objectives: To introduce collage process and the importance of recycling, reusing and recycling paper.

Vocabulary: collage

Materials:  Reeves BFK or other cotton heavy weight paper and glue gun


Day 1

  1. Anticipatory Set: Show students shells and have them identify them using shell chart as oysters.
  2. Discuss importance of oysters in the environment and how pearls are made.
  3. Show various handmade papers and have students collect leftover paper from previous projects and tear.
  4. Meanwhile students discuss destructive quality of collage and reflect on the following questions: How has adversity empowered you? How do we gain knowledge from negative experiences? Why is it important to persevere even when things go wrong in one’s life?
  5. Students fold pieces and instructor glues together with glue gun.

Day 2

  1. Have students use acrylics to paint shells.
  2. Have students paint iridescent acrylic onto styrofoam balls and glue to caste paper.
  3. Have students add their pearls of wisdom from discussion… written on strips of paper to share with other students.