Photo source: Eberhard Grossgasteiger
“I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.” – Vincent Van Gogh.
Your Destination: Our dreams can sometimes send us messages that can get jumbled as we walk through our daily lives. This activity has students capture a dream that embodies who they want to be when they grew older.
Travel Kit: watercolors, paper, paint brushes
On the Path:
Step 1 Start by recalling your dream or planning what you want to paint.
Step 2 Analyze what messages our dream/painting it trying to tell us.
Step 3 Learn about how different colors in a dream can mean a different thing in waking life (see link).
Group Tour: Have students talk about their goals and dreams, showcase their masterpieces.
Extend Your Journey
Learn New Vocabulary: Symbol, embodiment, vision, conscious, fantasy, dream, prophecy.